Гротендик, краткое описание научных достижений:
Лейла Шнепс недавно начала выкладывать разные тексты, связанные с Гротендиком,
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* Motivic Divagations (M2, De)
Here we enter in a mathematical dream, trying to image what "could be", being insensately optimistic using the partial knowledge we have about the arithmetic properties of cohomology of algebraic varieties.
The notion of "motive" can be defined rigorously with the "moyen du bord" (M2 and De), but if we want to go further and define some "natural" properties we have to face some conjectures today unproved G21, such as Weil and Tate conjectures and others that the notion of motive suggests irresistibly.
These properties have been the object of numerous (private and public) conversations, but they were never published, because it is not in use in mathematics (contrarily to physics) publishing a coherent dream, and follow it till the end in its different elements.
It is evident, for everyone expert of cohomology of algebraic varieties, that "there is something", that "the motives exist".
I had the idea of writing, contrarily to use, an entirely conjectural book about motives - a sort of "mathematical science-fiction".
I was occupied by tasks more urgent than the tasks of mathematician and I strongly doubt that such a book will be written, and that we will arrive (even conjecturally) to have a global idea, precise and vast, of the formalism of motives.
Before it will happen, under the weight of the events, people will understand that speculative science can't save humanity and that there are more urgent tasks that "mettre sur pied" the most beautiful theory of world - conjectural or not.